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Green: Smart cities: green and sustainable living

Storgata Camping








Northern Homes - Refurbishing the north with solar energy

UiT The Arctic University of Norway

The topic of this talk is the many thousands of 'reconstruction houses' (gjenreisningshus), that were built in Northern Norway after the destruction of the Second World War. Today, many of these houses require improvements. Can solar energy be part of the refurbishment in a way that respects both the heritage of the buildings and the modern needs of the people who live in them?

Johannes Fjell


Smart Senja - the energy system of the future

UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway

What can you do when capacity of the energy grid has reached its limits? Is the only answer a new grid or are there ways of utilizing the existing grid in a smarter manner? Learn more about how we are working with two arctic fishing communities located at the island of Senja to help us to find answers to these questions.

Ann Kristin


Sustanibility - Local engagment in a long perspective

Innovasjon Norge

Sustainable destination – Local engagement in a long perspective

Thank to our sponsors:

Arctic Frontiers
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